Monday, 31 January 2000
Your Eminences,
Venerable Brothers in the Episcopate and the Priesthood,
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
1. I am pleased to dedicate the new Janiculum Car Park, the result of the joint efforts of the Holy See and the Italian authorities.
I extend my cordial greeting to Cardinal Jozef Tomko, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, whom I thank for his words expressing the sentiments you share, and at the same time explaining the aims and functioning of this important project. With him, I greet the religious, civil and military authorities here, with a special thought for the Prefect, Undersecretaries Minniti and Bargone, and the ambassadors accredited to the Holy See.
I would also like to express my satisfaction to the executives of the contracting firms and to everyone who has worked with skill and diligence to build this important structure.
Lastly, I extend an affectionate greeting to the superiors and students of the Urban College of Propaganda Fide, as well as to the teachers and students of the Pontifical Urbanian University.
2. The Janiculum Car Park has been built on property belonging to the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples with the intention of facilitating the access of pilgrims to the Vatican, especially during this Jubilee Year, but also to ease traffic at a critical intersection in the city.
Therefore, the value of this remarkable multifunctional complex goes well beyond the Year 2000. For Rome and especially for the neighbourhood around St Peter's it will later be an important part of the urban infrastructure, designed to improve traffic conditions and the quality of life for local residents.
I therefore express my deep satisfaction with a structure that offers great urban advantages without spoiling the well-known view from the Janiculum Hill, and I very gladly join you all in thanking the Lord. To him I entrust everyone who has helped build it and everyone who will use it.
Through the intercession of Mary, Salus Populi Romani, may abundant heavenly favours be showered on each and every one, in pledge of which I affectionately impart to you my Apostolic Blessing.
Thank you!
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