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Message to Mr. Zalman Shazar
President of the State of Israel*


Mr Zalman Shazar President of the State of Israel Jerusalem*

We wish to address ourself respectfully to Your Excellency to express to you the hope that on the part of the Israeli Government nothing will be omitted in order that the terms of the military truce in the Middle East may be opportunely extended. We are deeply convinced that this first positive result will constitute the indispensable prelude to the desidered peaceful solution.

As We send you this Our confident appeal, We pray the Lord that he may accompany peoples and rulers with his inspiration of justice and peace.

31 October 1970


*Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, vol. VIII p.1094.

 L'Osservatore Romano, 5.11.1970, p.1.

ORa n.46 p.12.

Mensaje de Su Santidad Pablo VI
al Presidente del Estado de Israel, sobre la situación en Oriente Medio*

A Mr. Zalman Shazar Presidente del Estado de Israel Jerusalén*

Nos dirigimos respetuosamente a Su Excelencia para expresarle la esperanza que tenemos en el Gobierno Israelí en orden a que la tregua militar en el Oriente Medio pueda ser oportunamente ampliada. Estamos profundamente convencido de que este primer resultado constituirá el preludio indispensable para la deseada solución pacífica.

31 de octubre de 1970


*ORe n.45 p.4.


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