Monday, 2 August 1965
Your Excellency,
We extend to you a most cordial welcome to Our summer residence, because your presence here recalls many happy memories -of Our visit to Ghana not too many years ago.
The Ashanti people, whose leader you are, possess a rich tradition of culture and art as well as a proud history - both of which will certainly contribute much to the progress of your country. The world has become increasingly small because of modern communications, and it has become all the more necessary that peoples of this earth collaborate with one another in a spirit of understanding, cooperation and mutual respect. Only in this way can advances be made for the obtaining of conditions which will lead to peace and happiness.
Our children in your land are loyal and devoted children of the Church, ,and, as such, they are true citizens of your nation, ready and willing to make their contribution of talent and effort for the progress of their country. We trust that in them Your Excellency finds generous collaborators. Respect for religious beliefs and practice creates an atmosphere of understanding and friendship, and We are confident that such a spirit does exist in your country. The Eucharistic Congress held in your capital city of Kumasi provided concrete proof of its existence, and We are pleased to learn that Your Excellency gave demonstration of this spirit by contributing towards the purchase of the ostensorium used on that grand occasion.
Through Your Excellency We send greetings to your President and to the noble people of Ghana. We wish you good health and many years in the service of your people, and We pray that Almighty God may grant to your people the rich blessings of peace, prosperity and happiness.
*Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, vol. III, p.410-411.
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