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Thursday, 26 June 1970


Mister Ambassador,

It is with twofold pleasure that we accept the Letters of Credence which you bring us from the President of Ireland. For not only are We welcoming in you the representative at the Holy See of your beloved country and of her esteemed leaders, but We are also wishing you a happy return to the post you have already filled with such distinction.

Ireland is indeed exercising on a worldwide scale its influence for good. In great numbers and with ever greater zeal its missionaries have gone throughout the earth to preach the good news of salvation. For the advancement of education and health aid has been given unsparingly by its people. And in the councils of nations its representatives have played their full part to promote the great cause of peace and concord in the world.

We pray that Ireland’s light may long shine in the sight of men. May God, who is bestowing in growing measure material blessings upon the Irish people, preserve and increase his spiritual gifts: through holiness of life, through fraternal care for each other’s welfare, and through harmonious cooperation and concord, may they show themselves fully worthy of all that is best in their glorious traditions.

To Your Excellency We gladly renew Our welcome and assure you of Our fullest cooperation in the performance of your mission.

We would also ask you to convey to His Excellency the President our gratitude for his good wishes and assure him of our prayers for his welfare and for that of all the people of Ireland. To all we affectionately impart Our Apostolic Blessing.

*AAS 62 (1970), p.524

Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, vol. VIII, p.681

L'Osservatore Romano, 27.6.1970, p.1

L’Attività della Santa Sede 1970, p.303

ORa n.27 p.11.


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