Thursday, 13 December 1973
Mr. Ambassador,
We particularly appreciated the words Your Excellency addressed to us on presenting the Credential Letters that accredit you as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of El Salvador to the Holy See, because they recall the adherence of all our beloved sons of El Salvador.
Thanking you, Mr Ambassador, for the expression of these sentiments as well as for the respectful greeting you conveyed to us from the Head of State of El Salvador, we welcome you must cordially and at the same time assure you of our affection and support for the important mission entrusted to you.
Your Excellency referred to our task in favour of peace and harmony among peoples. It is a matter that honours us, not for any praise of our person that it may contain, but because it is an indication that our repeated message of peace is penetrating hearts and extending further and further over all the countries in the world. We will not slacken our commitment, to which we are constantly urged by faithfulness to our apostolic mission.
The Church in El Salvador, guided by its Pastors, is also collaborating generously in this task, and it will increase its effort daily with modern plans of evangelization, works of charity and welfare, teaching and apostolate. We are happy to recall these resolutions which the Bishops of your nation have manifested to us on so many occasions. And we hope that your society, understanding such an important and disinterested commitment to the common good, will support and guarantee this action, aimed at the rapid and stimulating progress of the community of El Salvador.
Renewing to you, Mr. Ambassador, our benevolence for the accomplishment of your mission, we invoke abundant and special divine graces on Your Excellency, on the authorities who entrusted this mission to you, and on all our beloved sons of El Salvador.
*ORa 1974 n.1 p.2 .
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