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Sala Clementina - Sabato, 7 giugno 1952


What can We say to add to the deep, spiritual joy and fervour of pious pilgrims, coming as you are from a Eucharistic Congress? You have paid your homage of praise and adoration to your sacramental God, Child of the Virgin Mother, as He was enthroned high on the altar of exposition; and We are sure your souls opened wite to receive the rich gifts of the Holy Spirit that flowed thence so abundantly.

We recall a picture of exquisite, delicate beauty and charm, which perhaps you know. The tall, erect figure of the Blessed Mother raises her divine Baby shoulder-high, and supports His little arm as His hand would give a blessing to all who come to Him. A living ostensorium, one might say.

And why can't you, returning to your country, to your cities and neighbourhood, hold Christ aloft, that all about you may see Him, may recognize Him in your words, your conduct, your whole person, may come to know His teachings, to know that « the grace of God, our Saviour, has dawned on human kind, schooling us to forgo irreverent thoughts and worldly hankerings, and to live in this present world a life of order, of justice and of holiness » (Tit. 2, 12), aware of the inheritance that is yours as God's adopted children through Jesus Christ? Let that thought, dear children, be the measure of the resolution you carry home after this pilgrimage.

To you, Our beloved son, alert and vigorous Cardinal Archbishop of a world metropolis, but today guide and father to these devoted pilgrims of many parts, to you, Venerable Brothers in the episcopate, ant to the members of the clergy here present and throughout your land, who collaborate with Us in the burden of Christ's apostolate, Our heart goes out with special affection. With a very sincere sense of gratitude and trust, in the words of the great High Priest We pray: Father « keep them holy through the truth; it is thy word that is truth » (Io. 17, 17).

And now, with a petition to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, that He keep you all in His love, and as a pledge of the graces you and your dear ones most need, We are happy to impart the Apostolic Benediction.

*Discorsi e Radiomessaggi di Sua Santità Pio XII, XIV,
 Quattordicesimo anno di Pontificato, 2 marzo 1952 - 1° marzo 1953, p. 197
 Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana


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